Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Introducing Kimghech

Let's meet Kimghech, the other one in the sister duo on team. She spends her life caring for other people and even gets paid to do it. But if you're younger than 20 she'll likely get sick of you really quickly.

I look bubbly and fun-loving, right?

Name: Kimghech Luy

Age: 24

You are a closet ____________ fan.
I am a closet Buzzfeed fan. It is the single greatest website the Internet ever created.

The 21 Most Awkward Moments in Handshake History

42 Mind-Boggling Images That Will Melt Your Brain

Granted, the names really talk themselves up but you will thank me and you are welcome.

How do you feel about public speaking?
I'm okay with it but I have this problem where I often don't think before I speak. It doesn't always go down well when I'm speaking in public.

If you could have only 3 electrical appliances in your house, what would they be and why?
A fridge - I love food, a fridge stores food for lengthy periods of time. Sold.
A laptop (with a speedy internet connection) - This can play all the movies and tv shows that I care to waste my time with.
A washing machine - because clothes need to be washed. I can live without a vacuum cleaner, a microwave or a dishwasher but I cannot contemplate having to wash all my clothes by hand all the time.

If nothing else, it provides minutes of entertainment

I have a phobia of... spiders. 
My parents constantly jeer at my sister and I for our inability to cope with any arachnids that come within a 2 metre radius of us or anything we own. 

Why are you going on a short-term mission?
Being a Christian is all about serving God with our full lives as God has given us life and life to the full.
Part of that is telling the good news of Jesus and His love to the world and GRN do this specifically in the people's own heart language. I wanted to get involved in this, serve the people and enjoy Nepal's culture and scenery at the same time. 

What do you know about the country of Nepal, and its people?
Very little. After preparing for this mission trip I've realised that there is a lot going on packed into not much land space! There's such a variety in climate, people, culture and ways of life. It'll be great to immerse ourselves into all things Nepali for a few weeks.

How do you feel about mountainous hiking and camping?
I'm actually quite excited, not about the camping bit though. I like trying things I've never done before to see if I can 'conquer' them. 

What’s the farthest you have been from home?
I've been to France. As far as the plane ride goes, that is pretty damn far.

How will you cope without internet access?
I'm really not sure. I usually don't miss it when I don't have it but I'm not sure how I'll go for that long a time. Hopefully I'll be fine and gratified by the thought that I'm not actually that reliant on the internet and social media.

Trivia Night Fun Times

On the 14th of September we held a Trivia Night at our church, St James Anglican in Minto. 
So many more people than we expected turned up, it was a great problem for us to have to find more seating and we were all so grateful for the generosity of all who came.
Despite some hiccups with questions and incorrect answers on our part, the night went smoothly and everyone had a great time (either they did or they were lying to us). 

Hard at work or hardly working?
A few people spent most of their time working on the below brain teaser. It has been attributed to Einstein but that is most likely not true. To the groups that got the right answer, it won them a whole 10 points. 
Try it and see how you go!

Each of the five houses is painted a different color, and their inhabitants are of different national extractions, own different pets, drink different beverages and smoke different brands of American cigarettes. In statement 6, right means your right.

  1. There are five houses.
  2. The Englishman lives in the red house.
  3. The Spaniard owns the dog.
  4. Coffee is drunk in the green house.
  5. The Ukrainian drinks tea.
  6. The green house is immediately to the right of the ivory house.
  7. The Old Gold smoker owns snails.
  8. Kools are smoked in the yellow house.
  9. Milk is drunk in the middle house.
  10. The Norwegian lives in the first house.
  11. The man who smokes Chesterfields lives in the house next to the man with the fox.
  12. Kools are smoked in the house next to the house where the horse is kept.
  13. The Lucky Strike smoker drinks orange juice.
  14. The Japanese smokes Parliaments.
  15. The Norwegian lives next to the blue house.
Now, who drinks water? Who owns the zebra?

Stay tuned to meet the last member of our team, the only one without Facebook and therefore a severe lack of suitable photos for this blog. 

Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Introducing Kimjeng

Here's the second member of our team, Kimjeng. She's the youngest on team, and the one who is most worried about the physical rigours of the Trekabout Trip. She loves all things Pinterest, serving others and serving our great God.

She loves straws and drinks with whole chillies

Name: Kimjeng Luy

Age: 22

You are a closet ____________ fan.
I'm a closet nothing fan. If I like something I'm not ashamed of it. Maybe Cabramatta?

Foodie heaven

How do you feel about public speaking?
If I know what I'm talking about then I'm not too fazed. 

If you could have only 3 electrical appliances in your house, what would they be and why?
A kettle - tea, coffee, hot chocolate and 2 minute noodles 
A Mac - it can replace your TV and stereo
An oven - for cakes and cookies

I have a phobia of... spiders (typical).

Why are you going on a short-term mission?
Because we've been called to go to the ends of the earth. Mission is part of a Christian's role and there's no getting around that. I want to experience mission in various contexts and this seems like the perfect opportunity to be encouraged by what God is doing so far away from home!

What do you know about the country of Nepal, and its people?
It's cold and they have tall mountains. So the people must have thick skin.

How do you feel about mountainous hiking and camping?
I'm pretty scared. I'll probably cry.

What’s the farthest you have been from home?
Europe is literally the other side of the world.

How will you cope without internet access?
How will I instagram my selfies?? I think I'm mainly going to miss being connected to my friends. It's going to be weird not knowing what everyone is doing for NYE. Actually, the hardest thing about not having internet access when I was in Europe was not having the ability to google anything that you want/need to know. But hopefully we'll be with people who can answer my questions, like "where are we going?".

Trekking preparation

A few weeks ago we decided to go on a 2 hour bushwalk to start getting ready and prepped for hours and days of trekking. We were easing ourselves into it.
We went out to the back of Kentlyn, where there is incredible bushland that is popular among bushwalkers and mountain bike riders. We are very blessed that such beautiful bushland is only a few minutes from our own homes.

Tim and Colin are keen mountain bike riders so they knew exactly where we were going. As they walked into the bush with their Camelbaks, appropriate footwear and steely looks, Kimjeng and I felt distinctly unprepared with our water bottles, backpack and non-sporty sunglasses.
We walked along fire trails through the bush, trusting in the directional abilities of Tim while hoping not to come into contact with any unsavoury wildlife of the creepy crawly type.

After about 45 minutes of walking, we made our way to this.

Trees and stuff

We stayed here for about an hour, talking, eating a snack of chips and muesli bars (energy giving food) and basking in the beautiful view of God's creation. 

We then made our way back out. What goes down...must go up?

This was far harder than the way in! We clambered over rocks, lamented our not-grippy-enough shoes and grabbed onto tree branches as we got out the quick way. 

And so ended our first bushwalk. Next time we're planning on a day in the Mountains. Here's hoping we're fitter than last time!